guided meditation

winter solstice

enter the darkness to await the  
tender arrival of the newborn Sun.

use in your Solstice/Yule ritual and during the entire season to help you align with the turning of the Wheel.

How this magic works

When you purchase the meditation, the receipt page that pops up will have your downloadable file! It will not be delivered to your email address!

Download the audio file to your device immediately.

Listen at your leisure.

Live your magical life connected to the Solstice Season

Share your experience and the link to this page with your friends and communities--don't keep it a secret!
But, please don't share the downloadable files--they're copyrighted!

A twenty minute guided, meditative journey deep into the restful, regenerative darkness. 

After releasing attachment to busyness and anxiety, be softly held in silence and stillness.

As impulse and light rise together, allow your dream, your passion, your desire, to be birthed. 

Gently breathe life into your vision. Give it the love it needs to thrive.


I encourage you to use this meditation often during and beyond the Winter Solstice Season. Whenever you need deep rest to generate calm clarity, you'll find this journey useful and effective.


$99 for all 8 seasons--equinoxes, solstices, and cross-quarter days--available when you purchase this meditation.

Karina Blackheart

the crone herself

I am a well trained, and multiply-initiated Witch and Craft Teacher. A Feri Tradition Initiate, Lineage Mother and Black Wand Holder. I studied Ifa with a reputable Ile. I’ve studied and practiced Sufism. 

I began practicing the Craft in 1991. I've taught in ten countries, led ritual for hundreds, and have published two books.

In the current rendition of my life's work, The Crone Herself, I am focused on Women’s Leadership as a Whole Life Evolution Priestess. 

Using effective spiritual inquiry and practices, I guide women of all ages to take ownership and responsibility for the fullness of their personal, spiritual, and collective power.