video series

the care & feeding of witches

The Witch has a very particular set of personal, energetic, physical, and environmental needs to work magic with consistent effectiveness. Read on!


An Overview of the Materials

You begin with simple daily practices that prime you for prioritizing self-nourishment and care.

Move on to Creating Space for your magical practices, devotions, altars, and celebrations.

Recognizing that these practices and ways of being demand time, you'll learn to assess where you're spending it, and how to create it.

Magic requires a lot of life-force-energy. Assess how to access more of it, and take an in depth look at where you may be leaking it, giving it away, or having it siphoned from you. 

If Imagination is a key to magic, then the Witch needs play. Here, you'll learn the value of lightening up, laughing, creating, dreaming, boosting your endorphins, and getting enough rest.

Next, take a deep dive into the necessity for Spiritual Cleansing for yourself and home. Often, we carry a lot of unrecognized energetic detritus. These practices help us clear it, and keep ourselves free from accumulating more!

The topic of Psychic Protection has gotten a bad rap in the culture of toxic positivity. It's just not true that if you don't think about it, you won't draw it to you. This is a very grounded, practical approach to a reality Witches and spiritual practitioners really can't afford to avoid.

The Care & Feeding of Witches is a big, juicy, challenging, affirming video program designed to help you nourish your Whole Self. From managing your time, to taking up space, and getting the rest you need so your magical life works best for you! 

Karina compassionately addresses the ways your precious life-force-energy can leak, or be siphoned off, creating problems in your magic, health, wealth, and overall well-being. This program provides grounded, practical ways to ensure you are well nourished, supported, and protected--physically, emotionally, spiritually--so you can be the Witch you are meant to be!

Packed with tips and practices that will help develop your Witch's Soul, and live magically from that core.


Are you well nourished?

change everything You touch


  • Formal and informal daily practices.
  • Rites of Cleansing, Purification + Protection for the Witch and her environment.
  • Assessing for energy leaks, interference and accumulation of thought forms which are not your own.
  • The edge between paranoia and personal safety with regards to psychic interference.
  • Rituals of Self Care
  • Manage Time like a Witch
  • Sacred Space:  What’s on your altar.
  • Stalking Beauty & Power
  • Polishing the Mirror of Creation
  • Courting the Soul of the Witch
  • Delight & Danger

What can you expect?

The Program

Includes two audio recordings and eight videos.

Align & unbind audios

Bring your rational, wild, and spiritual natures into communication, and transform negative beliefs ,habits and behaviors using simple but powerful practices. Access anytime on your device.

The Care & Feeding of Witches

Professionally recorded videos include 
Creating Space for Your Craft
Managing Your Time
Assessing & Accessing Energy
Permission to Rest & Play
Spiritual Cleansing
Psychic Protection

Solitary but not alone

Connect with others who are putting these tools and practices to work in their lives. Membership in a private Substack forum for sharing with others working with these materials. It's helpful to have other Witches to talk to!


This program includes discounted, private access to Karina to discuss your questions, trouble-shoot any problems, and celebrate your milestones.

How this magic works

When you purchase the program, the receipt page will have your downloadable files!

Download all video files to your device(s)

Watch or liisten at your leisure.

Live your magical life

Share your experience and the link to this page with your friends and communities--don't keep it a secret!
But, please don't share the downloadable files--they're copyrighted!


This program provides grounded, practical ways to ensure you are well nourished, supported, and protected--physically, emotionally, spiritually--so you can be the Witch you are meant to be!

“This program is appropriate for any point on your path as a Witch. So often, our practice focuses on outputting life-force-energy. Many Witches are Priestessing communities, parenting children, managing households, doing creative and social justice work, and working full time jobs. The Care & Feeding of Witches helps shift the lens so Witches can prioritize building and protecting their energy. 


If the Witch is the altar, the tool, the Circle, the magic, then she needs to honor and nourish herself. When your cup is full, your can pour generously and without resentment. 

The Care & Feeding of Witches is taught with the patience, understanding and compassion I developed over years of teaching Traditional Witchcraft. It meets you where you are. You learn at a pace that is comfortable for you. Plus, you have the mutual support of the online community where I'm known to drop in regularly."

Karina Blackheart
The Crone Herself.

Karina Blackheart

the crone herself

I am a well trained, and multiply-initiated Witch and Craft Teacher. A Feri Tradition Initiate, Lineage Mother and Black Wand Holder. I studied Ifa with a reputable Ile. I’ve studied and practiced Sufism. 

I began practicing the Craft in 1991. I've taught in ten countries, led ritual for hundreds, and have published two books.

In the current rendition of my life's work, The Crone Herself, I am focused on Women’s Leadership as a Whole Life Evolution Priestess. 

Using effective spiritual inquiry and practices, I guide women of all ages to take ownership and responsibility for the fullness of their personal, spiritual, and collective power. 

customer testimonials

“This is the magic that supports all the other magics I do as a Witch and Mother."

 Selena K.

“Wow! It's been amazing recapturing the time and energy I was giving away. These practices gave me back what I didn't even know I was missing!”
Julie R.

“I'm so grateful for this course. I'm glad I found it early on my path. I'll be implementing the practices for the rest of my life.”
Yolanda P.